Photo of Rick Swaine Rick Swaine - Author of books about baseball's unsung heroes
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Beating the Breaks Quiz


1. Who was the first deaf major leaguer?
a. Luther Taylor
b. William Hoy
c. Ed Dundon
d. Dick Sipek
2. Who is the Hall of Famer who lost four toes on his left foot shortly before beginning his professional career?
a. Red Ruffing
b. Cy Young
c. Ted Lyons
d. Shoeless Joe Jackson
3. Who won the Most Valuable Player Award after being rejected for military service due to a heart condition?
a. Jim Konstanty
b. Hal Newhouser
c. Pete Rose
d. Hank Sauer
4. Who was the first one-armed man to play in the major leaguers?
a. Stump Merrill
b. Pete Gray
c. Jim Abbott
d. Hugh Daily
5. Who is the only man to play major league baseball with an artifical leg?
a. Lou Brissie
b. Bert Shepard
c. Monte Stratton
d. Dick Stuart
6. Who starred in the major leagues after losing a thumb in military service?
a. Carlos May
b. Gil Coan
c. Roger Metzger
d. Three Finger Brown
7. Who played major league baseball after losing several inches of bone in his leg?
a. Charley Gelbert
b. Bo Jackson
c. Whitey Kurowski
d. Bo Belinsky
8. Who was the first non-pitcher to wear glasses in the major leagues?
a. Lee Meadows
b. Clint Courtney
c. Chick Hafey
d. George Toporcer
9. Who is the insulin dependent diabetic who kept his condition secret until he made his first all-star team?
a. Ron Santo
b. Jackie Robinson
c. Jimmy Piersall
d. Jason Johnson
10. Who was the first publicly self-admitted epileptic to play in the majors?
a. Grover Cleveland Alexander
b. Sherry Magee
c. Jim Eisenreich
d. Tony Lazzeri
11. Who died of lukemia during the same season in which he played major league baseball?
a. Walt Bond
b. Danny Thompson
c. Ross Youngs
d. Ken Hubbs
12. Who started in the All-Star Game as a 29-year-old rookie after being bayonetted during WWII?
a. Cecil Travis
b. Eddie Kazak
c. Sam Jethroe
d. Mack Jones
13. Who's name has been adopted for a psychological condition which affects the ability to throw accurately?
a. Steve Sax
b. Steve Blass
c. Chuck Knoblauch
d. Buckshot Brown
14. Who is the first player known to continue playing in the majors while undergoing chemotherapy?
a. Eric Davis
b. Darryl Strawberry
c. Dave Dravecky
d. Andres Galarraga
15. Who is the only left-handed punk rocker known to have played in the majors after developing Hodgkin's Disease?
a. John Kruk
b. Scott Radinksy
c. Danny Jackson
d. John Rocker
16. Who was the first player known to play major league baseball after being treated for Tuberculosis?
a. Bill DeLancey
b. Red Schoendienst
c. Rico Carty
d. Bruce Campbell
17. Who won 20 games after being discharged from the army because of a severe asthmatic condition?
a. Jack Kramer
b. Dave Ferriss
c. Tex Hughson
d. Sandy Koufax
18. Who is the modern day major leaguer who was born with a pair of club feet?
a. Jim Mecir
b. Jason Giambi
c. Eric Bednard
d. Roger Clemens
19. Who is the left-handed World Series veteran pitcher who was a natural right-hander before a childhood injury?
a. Rick Ankiel
b. Bud Daley
c. Darold Knowles
d. Ray Prim
20. Who sued for and won the right to be placed on the disabled list for psychiatric problems?
a. Alex Johnson
b. Rickey Henderson
c. Tony Horton
d. Jimmy Piersall
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